terça-feira, 26 de outubro de 2010

INFORMATION´S SYSTENS - Applied to Personnel Management

Ferreira Benedito, Marcelo


Focus on organization´s necessity to incorporate information that comes from employer´s knowledge. Contributions must be managed by a system that doesn’t let innovation disappear. Insight was developed through bibliographical research to create a project named “Live Information” to work together with actual project named “Flexible Information”. Methodologies summarily exemplify operation´s steps. Actions achieved positive results that will be exposed in “Analyze and Result´s discussion”. Conclusion shows benefits reached through this approach.


Technology, management, knowledge.

1 Introduction

After last article “Information Technology – For Educational Institution in Development” I perceived necessity to improve actual project “Flexible Information” with not only central sources´ information but to make good use of team´s contributions.
In the academic staff I believe information is an organism that must be fed. Information produced inside and around business need to be absorbed and managed.
From this insight I found in knowledge management my initial base to develop “Live Information” project.

2 Theory Foundations

According to Turban, Rainer and Porter (2005, p. 389) knowledge management is:

[…] is a process that helps organizations to identify, select, organize, distribute, transfer, and apply important information and experiences from organization´s memory that normally lives inside organization in an unorganized way.

Quoting Turban, Rainer and Porter (2005, p. 101) tacit knowledge must be sum of subjective experiences, visions, expertise, know-how, business´s secrets, skills, understanding and learning that organization have.

3 Methodologies

Sources of “Flexible Information” project are reviewed periodically. In this moment ideas are incorporated and processes updated, to work aligned with new necessities and scene changes.
Reviewing and checking of procedures don´t are restricted only in evaluation´s meetings. Employees are encouraged to question and think processes critically.
Practical interventions are rewarded where partners must be congratulated and highlighted in the organization to be motivated for improvement and processes´ betterment for long term.

4 Analyze and Result´s Discussion

Knowledge management is a great tool for managers in any area because collective´s thought have more efficiency to solve organization´s problems. Alternative´s increasing through suggestions potentialize success in decision making.
Organization´s knowledge humanized uses employee´s voice like a great source of information (tacit knowledge) jointly with explicit knowledge that was the only source in the previous project.
Business has now a style, which is strength in the presence of competitors. Dialog opening even out process´ discussion has power to integrate staff to business´ goals. Who is involved became an ally not only a number in the payroll.


Changes proposed by contributions improved organizational´s climate because activities have now creativeness that decreased stress when we always do the same procedure without necessary changes.
Communication´s channel between operational and managerial becomes a very important link to business´ development. Approach permitted manager to have a wide detailed vision that contributed to decision making strategically.

Bibliographical Material

TURBAN, Efraim; RAINER JR., R. Kelly; POTTER, Richard E. Administração de tecnologia da informação: teoria e prática. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier, 2005.

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